Monday, April 27, 2009
Bina otot yang besar tanpa perlu mengumpul lemak
Secara lazimnya, dua target utama dalam kecergasan adalah membina otot dan mengurangkan lemak didalam badan. Tetapi malangnya kedua-dua target ini berlawanan diantara satu sama yang lain.
Pembinaan otot-otot yang besar memerlukan anda untuk mengambil jumlah kalori lebih daripada keperluan normal anda. Sebaliknya untuk mengurangkan lemak didalam badan memerlukan anda untuk mengurangkan jumlah pengambilan kalori anda berbanding pengambilan normal bagi membolehkan badan anda untuk membakar lebihan lemak untuk keperluan tisu-tisu badan.
Memaksa diri anda mencapai kedua-dua target pada masa yang sama bukanlah sesuatu yang bijak untuk dilakukan malahan dapat menyekat progres anda.
Kebanyakan ahli bina badan perlu membenarkan pengumpulan sedikit lemak dalam usaha menambahkan berat badan mereka. Namun persoalannya ialah berapa banyakkah pengumpulan lemak yang boleh anda terima? Faktor inilah yang perlu anda pertimbangkan.
Terdapat dua pendekatan yang sering diambil oleh ahli bina badan untuk menambah jisim otot mereka.
Pendekatan pertama ialah dengan memakan sebanyak mungkin makanan yang mereka mampu dalam usaha untuk menambah jisim otot mereka. Pada pendapat mereka lebih banyak makanan yang mereka makan, lebih banyak sintesis otot boleh berlaku.
Pendapat ini ada banyak kekurangannya. Badan anda cuma mampu untuk mengasimilasikan sejumlah tisu otot sahaja pada sesuatu tempoh. Apabila badan anda selesai menjalankan proses ini, kalori-kalori berlebihan akan disimpan sebagai lemak didalam badan.
Bagi sesiapa yang mengambil 5000 kalori atau lebih sehari, ternyata sekali melebihi jumlah yang diperlukannya maka menyebabkan pengumpulan lemak yang berlebihan dalam tempoh tiga ke enam bulan.
Pilihan kedua adalah untuk mengambil pendekatan yang lebih sederhana dan cuma mengambil kalori tambahan cukup untuk menyokong tumbesaran otot. Kaedah ini membolehkan anda membina tisu-tisu otot sebanyak mungkin tanpa pengumpulan lemak dalam badan yang berlebihan.
Ini membawa kepada persoalan seterusnya, berapa banyak otot yang boleh anda bina? Berapa banyak kalori yang perlu diambil untuk mengekalkan otot-otot ini?
Individu yang berlatih secara semulajadi boleh mencapai penambahan setengah pound otot setiap minggu – jika dia melakukan latihan mengikut teknik yang betul. Jika individu tersebut tidak memiliki genetik yang terbaik serta tidak mengikuti program pemakanan yang betul, hasilnya turut akan berkurangan. Jadi berdasarkan kenyataan ini, untuk penambahan kira-kira 2-3 pound otot setiap bulan secara semulajadi, anda sama sekali tidak memerlukan pengambilan kalori yang terlalu tinggi.
Lebih tinggi kadar kalori yang anda ambil, lebih tinggi risiko untuk anda menambah jumlah lemak didalam badan anda. Amnya 250-500 tambahan unit kalori daripada jumlah yang diperlukan untuk mengekalkan otot-otot anda sudah memadai untuk membina otot berkualiti tanpa pengumpulan lemak dibadan. Sentiasa awasi kadar lemak dan bentuk badan anda. Sekiranya anda mendapati sebahagian besar penambahan berat badan anda disebabkan oleh lemak, kurangkan sedikit pengambilan kalori harian anda.
Anda juga perlu lebih praktikal dengan target yang ingin anda capai. Anda mungkin ada membaca dimajalah-majalah kesihatan mengenai jumlah kalori yang perlu anda ambil, tetapi tidak bermakna jumlah ini adalah mutlak untuk hasil yang terbaik. Setiap individu mempunyai kadar metabolisma yang berbeza dan ia banyak menentukan jumlah kalori optimum yang sepatutnya diambil oleh seseorang individu.
Lebih banyak masa anda luangkan untuk membina saiz otot anda lebih singkat masa yang akan anda perlukan untuk menjalani diet yang menyakitkan bagi membuang lebihan lemak dibadan anda.
Diadaptasi dari Vince DelMonte
Can You Gain Muscle Weight Without Getting Fat?
There are two common fitness goals - to gain muscle mass and to lose body fat. Unfortunately, for the most part, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Building muscle mass is going to require you to take in a surplus of calories because, well, let’s face it, you can’t build muscle out of nothing (unless of course you have some chemical help going on).
Losing fat mass on the other hand is going to require you to be in a negative calorie balance because that is what will get your body burning off additional body fat as fuel for its tissues.
Striving to accomplish both goals at the same time is rarely a good approach because more than likely you will just end up spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
Most weight lifters will have to accept some fat gain when they are looking to gain weight, however how much fat gain they need to add is question. It is this variable that we are hoping to influence.
Can you really gain weight without getting fat?
When adding muscle mass there are two approaches you can take.
Some take the approach of just eating as much food as they can possible cram into themselves. Their life suddenly becomes one long 24-hour buffet in their quest for muscle mass as they are under the thinking that the more food that goes in, the more muscle synthesis that will go on.
This thinking is heavily flawed. The body can only assimilate so much muscle tissue at once and after it has done so, any remaining calories are simply going to be stored as body fat. Plain and simple. You my friend, are no exception to the rule.
For those guys who are out there taking in five thousand or more calories per day, this is obviously going to be way more than they need and will result in a considerable amount of unwanted fat weight over a period of three to six months (how long most people will ‘bulk’ for).
The second option is to adopt a more moderate approach and only eat so many additional calories to support this muscle growth and that’s it. This will allow you to hopefully get as much lean tissue gained as possible without the accumulation of a monstrous rise in body fat.
So that leads us to the next question you’re probably wondering. How much muscle can you build? How many calories over maintenance should you be eating?
You’ve probably already heard of the guy who claims he’s added 20 pounds of muscle in the short timeframe of six weeks. While this may be a very rare occurrence among an individual who is brand new to weight lifting, has insanely good genetics and utilized an excellent training and nutritional program, the fact of the matter is that most guys are simply not going to be able to come even close to adding this much muscle tissue.
A natural trained individual can hope to achieve about half a pound to one pound of muscle per week - if he’s doing everything correctly. If he doesn’t have the greatest genetics or isn’t feeding himself optimally, this will decrease even further. So as you can see, at a measly two to four pounds of muscle growth per month, you aren’t going to be needed to eat insanely high calorie intakes.
The higher your intake is, the more you risk putting on additional body fat. As a general rule, keep it to about 250 to 500 calories above maintenance in hopes of putting on mostly muscle without too much body fat. Keep track of your current body fat levels and appearance and if you see that too much of your weight gain is coming on as fat mass, reduce your calorie intake slightly.
It is always best to go by REAL WORLD results since you are in the real world after all. You can read as much as you like as to how many calories you should be eating, but this does not mean that’s going to be the exact number that will produce results. Different people have different metabolisms that will respond to an increase in calories in various ways. So as you go about your bulk, adjust according to the results you are getting.
Remember that the more patient you are with your muscle gains and the slower you go, the more time you can spend adding muscle mass and the less time you have to spend dieting off the additional fat you gained - which as I’m sure many of you already know, is not a pleasant experience.
So next time you decide you are going to do a ‘bulking’ phase, take a slower approach. Not only are you much more likely to maintain a favourable appearance this way but your mind will thank you as well. Nothing kills confidence levels faster than seeing all muscle definition go out the window in a matter of weeks, so keep the weight gain under control so you don’t have to deal with this.
Monday, April 20, 2009
No Sleep Leads to No Gain for Muscle Building
By Ricardo d Argence
Dont underestimate the effect that sleep has on your workout. You need to rest properly, and that's not just between workouts. Altering your sleep schedule to ensure getting a steady and sound night's sleep each night can produce drastic transformations in the outcomes you observe with bodybuilding.
Sleep is crucial for successful bodybuilding for a several reasons. The body need sleep to recover and rebuild its muscle. This is the time when the other body parts are not using energy, or interior resources that the body uses to repair itself from the effects of bodybuilding.
You must rest or your body won't be able to heal and add new muscle. You will be adversely impacting your gains by not providing enough time for your muscles to heal, recover, and continue to grow in the proper manner.
Adequate sleep is vital for keeping your mental focus sharp and your energy level high. A lack of mental focus can destroy your results while you're in the gym. You can be motivated, but if you don't have your work out planned out you will not have a successful workout.
Although you might not have the energy or be motivated enough to have a great weightlifting session. There's only so much your body can handle over the course of a day with a tiny amount of sleep. With everything else going on in your life, its working out that often takes a backseat.
Sleep is critical because it allows your body to recover and control the rhythm of your body's hormones. Hormones, that are essential for proper metabolim and muscle gain, are released during sleep. Hormones, released during sleep, are essential for proper metabolism and muscle gain. At the same time, sleep also inhibits other hormones that can lead to fat gain and other unseemly consequences.
Irregular sleeping habits are detrimental to your efforts to get in shape. Sleeping 3 hours on Monday, and 11 hours on Tuesday, is not the same thing as sleeping 7 hours on each night. That's what you should shoot for, at least 7 hours a night. Keep in mind, that no sleep will ruin your efforts at bodybuilding. - 17440
By Ricardo D Argence
Tidur yang cukup penting untuk membina badan
Bersenam di gym beberapa kali seminggu dan melihat otot-otot anda membesar tidak semestinya sukar untuk dilakukan. Senaman fizikal dan latihan beban pada otot-otot tertentu cuma merupakan dua diantara banyak faktor-faktor yang penting untuk mendapatkan tubuh badan yang tegap.
Monday, April 13, 2009
10 Simple Steps To Skyrocket Your Natural Testosterone Production
If there is one substance that could be considered the “holy grail” of muscle growth, testosterone would be it.
Quite simply, testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body and is one of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle you can ultimately build.
Here is just a small handful of the many amazing benefits that increased testosterone levels will provide you with…
- Increased muscle size and strength.
- Decreased body fat levels.
- Increased sex drive and sexual endurance.
- Improved mood.
- Decreased levels of “bad” cholesterol.
Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well it is, and in this article I’m going to outline 10 simple steps to naturally raise your testosterone levels and achieve all of these incredible benefits. While these steps will not result in “steroid-like” muscle gains, they will definitely contribute to your overall bottomline results…
1) Use compound exercises as the cornerstone of your workouts. I’m talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, chin-ups, dips, lunges and military presses. These exercises will place your muscles under the greatest amount of stress in the gym and will force your body to increase testosterone production.
2) Always train with 100% effort and intensity. If you want to see real muscle gains, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit in the gym. Again, greater muscular stress in the gym translates to higher testosterone output.
3) Train your legs equally as hard as your upper body. As you may already be aware, intense leg training can actually stimulate growth in your chest, back and arms. This is due in part to the increase in testosterone that leg training induces.
4) Increase your EFA consumption. Essential Fatty Acids from sources such as peanuts, avocadoes, fish and healthy oils like flax seed, olive and canola are a great way to naturally boost testosterone levels.
5) Reduce your intake of soy. Soy protein raises the body’s levels of estrogen (the main female hormone) and this has a direct negative effect on testosterone levels.
6) Limit your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels, so try to limit your “binge drinking” nights and keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.
7) Increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.
8) Lower your daily stress levels. Being overly stressed stimulates the release of “cortisol”, a highly catabolic hormone that will cause your testosterone levels to plummet.
9) Increase your sexual activity. Sexual stimulation causes the body to increase the production of oxytocin which increases endorphin production (the “feel-good” chemical), and this also raises testosterone.
10) Make sure to get adequate sleep every night. A lack of sleep contributes to cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.
Start implementing these techniques on a consistent basis and you should experience a noticeable increase in your muscle size and strength gains.
By Sean Nalewanyj
10 Teknik Untuk Meningkatkan Kadar Testosterone Didalam Badan Anda
Jika anda inginkan satu bahan ajaib untuk pembesaran otot, bahan itu sudah semestinya Testosterone.
Testosterone adalah hormon pembesaran otot yang paling penting dalam badan anda dan juga merupakan faktor penentu bagi jumlah maksimum otot yang boleh dibina oleh badan anda.
Dibawah ini adalah sebahagian daripada faedah-faedah yang boleh anda nikmati melalui peningkatan kadar testosterone didalam badan anda.
-Penambahan kekuataan dan saiz otot
-Pengurangan kadar lemak dalam badan
-Peningkatan keinginan seksual dan tenaga batin
-Menaikkan mood anda
-Pengurangan kadar kolestrol yang memudaratkan
Jika anda ingin menigkatkan kadar testosterone didalam badan anda disini saya akan menyenaraikan 10 teknik yang mudah dan semulajadi agar anda dapat menikmati semua faedah-faedahnya. Walaupun kaedah-kaedah ini tidak dapat memberikan hasil yang setanding dengan steroid, tetapi ia tetap mampu menyumbang kepada hasil yang menakjubkan.
1) Utamakan senaman bersepadu didalam latihan anda.
Senaman bersepadu adalah seperti squats, deadlift, bench press, rows, chin ups, dips, lunges dan military press. Senaman-senaman ini akan memberikan tekanan yang kuat keatas otot-otot dan seterusnya memaksa badan anda untuk meningkatkan penghasilan testosterone didalam badan.
2) Berlatih dengan sepenuh intensiti.
Jika anda ingin hasil yang mengkagumkan anda mesti melakukan senaman anda dengan sepenuh intensiti. Ini kerana dengan tekanan yang kuat terhadap otot anda, badan anda akan menghasilkan kadar testosterone yang lebih tinggi.
3) Anda mesti melatih kaki anda sekuat anda melatih bahagian atas badan anda.
Untuk pengetahuan anda latihan kaki yang dilakukan dengan intensiti mampu merangsang pembesaran dibahagian dada, belakang dan lengan anda. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar testosterone yang dirangsang melalui latihan kaki.
4) Tingkatkan pengambilan EFA.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) daripada sumber seperti kekacang, avocado, ikan dan minyak daripada bijian flax, canola dan zaitun adalah sumber yang baik untuk meningkatkan kadar testosterone didalam badan anda.
5) Kurangkan pengambilan soya
Protein soya menigkatkan kadar penghasilan estrogen (hormone utama wanita) dan ini mempunyai kesan negatif terhadap kadar testosterone didalam badan anda
6) Hadkan atau hentikan pengambilan alkohol
Alkohol telah terbukti boleh menjejaskan kadar testosterone didalam badan anda dengan dramatic sekali. Jadi kurangkan atau hentikan pengambilan alcohol.
7) Tingkatkan pengambilan sayur-sayuran jenis cruciferous didalam diet seharian anda
Broccoli, kubis bunga, lobak, turnip, kubis dan brussels sprout telah terbukti berkesan menurunkan kadar estrogen didalam badan maka secara tidak langsung meningkatkan kadar testosterone.
8) Kurangkan kadar tekanan harian anda
Membiarkan diri anda dalam keadaan yang tertekan akan merangsang penghasilan ‘cortisol’, sejenis hormon catabolic yang mampu menurunkan kadar testosterone.
9) Tingkatkan aktiviti seksual anda (Untuk yang sudah berkahwin)
Rangsangan seksual akan menyebabkan badan anda menigkatkan pengeluaran oxytocin yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran endorphin (bahan kimia ceria), yang turut meningkatkan kadar testosterone.
10) Pastikan anda mendapat tidur yang secukupnya setiap malam
Kurangnya tidur boleh menyumbang kepada penghasilan cortisol yang mampu mengurangkan kadar testosterone didalam badan anda.
Mulakan mengamalkan teknik-teknik ini secara konsisten dan anda akan mengalami peningkatan kekuatan dan penambahan saiz otot-otot anda.
Diadaptasi dari Sean Nalewanyj
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hari Pelancaran Revolution Gym & Fitness 4 April 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
2 Healthy Ways To Ged Rid Of Thigh Fat
By Clayton Thomas
As a matter of fact, whether you want to lose thigh fat, belly fat or hip fat, there is no way for you to spot reduce fat. You must lose fat in ALL areas of your body. You cannot force your body to burn fat in one particular area or spot; your body would decide where to start burning fat!
Therefore, it only makes sense to do things that would help you burn fat from all parts of your body. Basically, you want to follow a healthy diet and do resistance training and cardio workouts! This is the only way to lose thigh fat, as well as all other body fat!
The diet you choose for weight loss is very important. Low-calorie and low-fat diets won't help you burn fat because these diets don't increase your metabolism! And starvation diets are extremely unhealthy, but more importantly, they don't work. Most of the time, you will just gain back all of the weight you have lost.
Far from boosting your metabolic rate, these diets actually slow down your metabolism! Here is how: with a low-calorie or low-fat diet, your body doesn't get enough nutrition. Consequently it believes that it is going to die out of starvation. It immediately stops the fat burning process by slowing down your metabolic rate, and stores the fat deposits so that it could survive during starvation.
With such diets, you will lose a few pounds initially for sure, but as soon as you quit them and return to your normal eating habits, you gain back all the weight you had lost!
So what types of diets are the best? Diet plans that include meals with fresh fruits and vegetables work very well because they encourage a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are not only great for burning fat; they are also extremely effective at suppressing those pesky cravings!
But healthy diet plans may not always have all of the best traits that a good diet should have. Good diets should allow you to cheat at least once a week. You can use these cheat days to eat whatever you want. You may be afraid that taking a short break from your diet will cause weight gain, well you'd be wrong. It will actually help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism because it keeps your body from getting stuck in a routine, which can slow your metabolism!
Apart from an improved metabolism, cheat days will also improve your dedication to your diet plan for the rest of the week by extremely reducing cravings for forbidden foods.
While a diet plan alone is enough for significant weight loss, many people try adding some intense workouts into their routines so they can accelerate the weight loss process! Strength and cardio training are the best ways increase weight loss. With strength training, you will not only burn fat, but you also add valuable lean muscle to your body.
Lean muscle not only makes your body stronger, it also helps you burn fat even while you're resting. As a matter of fact, you can easily burn around fifty calories per day with one pound of muscle, even at rest! This is because muscles need more calories in order to repair and maintain themselves.
Follow these two important tips and you'll be amazed at how fast you get rid of your thigh fat!
Tips untuk membuang lemak dibahagian peha anda
Adakah anda ingin membuang lemak berlebihan dibahagian peha anda? Ya anda boleh lakukannya, tetapi jika anda fikir yang anda boleh menghilangkan lemak dipeha anda dengan cepat menggunakan pil kurus atau makanan sampingan, anda sebenarnya salah! Dan jika anda fikir ada senaman tertentu yang boleh anda lakukan untuk membuang lemak dipeha anda sahaja, sekali lagi anda sebenarnya salah!!!
Sebabnya, dengan mengamalkan diet yang rendah dengan lemak dan kalori, badan anda tidak akan mendapat nutrisi yang secukupnya. Akibatnya badan anda akan berfungsi seolah-olah anda akan mati kelaparan. Jadi secara automatiknya badan anda akan memperlahankan kadar metabolisma anda dan akan menyimpan kumpulan lemak dalam badan anda sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi tempoh kelaparan tersebut. Memanglah pada mulanya berat badan anda akan turun beberapa kilogram tetapi lama kelamaan hasilnya akan mula berkurangan dan sebaik sahaja anda berhenti berlapar dan kembali ke tabiat pemakanan normal anda, anda akan memperoleh kembali lemak yang telah anda buang sebelum ini.
Otot-otot ini bukan sahaja menjadikan badan anda lebih kuat, malahan ia membantu anda untuk membakar lemak walaupun ketika anda sedang berehat!!! Anda dengan mudahnya dapat mambakar 50 unit kalori sehari dengan 1 pound otot, walaupun ketika berehat. Ini kerana badan anda menggunakan banyak kalori untuk membaiki dan mengekalkan otot-otot anda.