Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Workout Corner No.8 Biceps Curl

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Siapa yang tak inginkan biceps yang besar? Boleh dikatakan hampir semua ahli lelaki idamkan biceps yang besar dan cantik. Malah selain Bench Press, Biceps Curl lar yang selalu menjadi rebutan setiap ahli yang bersenam digym. Walaupun ramai yang gemar melakukan Biceps Curl, tidak ramai yang tahu melakukannya dengan betul-betul tepat bagi mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. Untuk menunjuk ajar pembaca-pembaca sekalian, kami telah memilih dua trainer yang memiliki biceps yang paling besar dan cantik di Revolution Gym untuk melakukan demo Biceps Curl yang betul. Mari sama-sama kita saksikan!

Revolution Gym & Fitness

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Workout Corner Wanita Pt. 4 Shoulder Press

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Shoulder Press adalah satu latihan yang amat baik dilakukan oleh wanita bagi memperbaiki bentuk bahu mereka. Otot bahu yang cantik boleh menjadikan seseorang wanita itu kelihatan lebih berkeyakinan dan boleh menjadikan kebanyakan baju yang dipakai kelihatan lebih kemas dan menarik. Untuk melakukan Shoulder Press dengan tepat sila rujuk kepada demonstrasi dari trainer kami Shafiq. Selamat mencuba.

Revolution Gym

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top 5 Causes of Injuries

Recently a couple of gym members had to restrain themselves from weight training due to the minor back injuries. Although that was a very uncommon thing to happen in Revolution Gym, not to mention that those 2 members are pretty well informed on the aspect of injury prevention, I figured I need to bring this matter up seriously to avoid it from happening again.

Here are the top 5 causes of injuries!

1) Failed To Warm-Up.

It's plain and simple however still a lot of people fail to spend 10 MINUTES out of their workout duration to perform this. Walk in to the gym, get the cardio equipment and warm up for 5 to 10 minutes until you start to sweat and that's all.

2) Failed to Stretch.

Another unpopular thing among the all-time busy gym members is stretching. Studies show that shortened muscles perform weaker, slower and have a higher incidence of injuries. However big muscles require strong, lengthened and healthy tissue. So why on earth would you skip this process? Not just stretching prevent injuries it also maintain healthy specific joint relationships, greater joint angles and accelerate recovery.

3) Training Too Often.

This is probably one of the most common misconception about weight training and muscle building. People who never gone through any workout program under the supervision of an experience trainer would have think that the more they workout the quicker the get the result. What they do not know is working out too often is actually the fastest way to over train and fall into injury. Give yourself an ample rest to make sure your body are fully recovered.

4) Inappropriate Weights.

Even though heavy weight lifting is essential in building muscle mass, however you must remember the word 'heavy' here is actually controlled by the two factors which are compromising your form and the risk of injury. As long as you can keep yourself in good form, meaning the right posture, the right muscle isolation, the right range of motion and the right support you're all set for the weights that you have chosen. Remember to wear lifting belt when necessary!

5) Failed to Take Adequate Nutrients.

Most joint problems, such as arthritis, tendinits, and bursitis, can be reduced with natural compounds that can save you from aching joints and years of pain. Some supplements which contain flax oil may help reduce inflammation in the joints while Glucosamine is essential for the prevention and treatment of cartilage degeneration.

Revolution Gym & Fitness

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Diet Untuk 'Sizing Up' 4000 Kalori

Kepada yang berbadan kurus dan ingin menambahkan berat badan secara sihat, bolehlah mengamalkan pemakanan 4000 kalori yang dicadangkan dibawah. Jangan lupa exercise perlu disertakan untuk memaksimumkan hasil.

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Revolution Gym & Fitness